Friday 27 April 2018

The Fragrance

It is clear that you are Christ’s letter, produced by us, not written with ink but with the Spirit of the living God — not on stone tablets but on tablets that are hearts of flesh.
2 Corinthians 3:3 HCSB

What a commendation! What high praise! For others to see Christ at work in me. May His fragrance seep out of my pores and lift others up!

Yesterday I was given some second hand lillies. My neighbours were going away and they asked if I wanted them. It was their way of saying "Thanks for the ANZAC day fun!" I didn't mind that they did not buy them for me. I happen to appreciate nice flowers and they are beautiful white lillies with a heady fragrance. It doesn't matter that they must stay on my patio as my mother struggles with the scent... I can still smell them.

Is my fragrance like that? I pray it is. Today I was pleased to be a part of the local astronomy club that won a government Grant of 1.8 million dollars for our new club facility and teaching centre. We received adulation and it was well covered in the press. The deputy mayor said to me, "I didn't know you were in the astronomy club as well!" Another councillor sang my praise as I am the cook. The deputy mayor looked at me quizically. She is used to people doing things to get something. I don't think she has worked me out yet. I am involved because I love people.

I lnow only the fragrance of Christ will help and draw people to Him. My job is to be the conduit. Simple!

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