Tuesday 18 September 2018

Start Loving

A spoken reprimand is better than approval that’s never expressed. The wounds from a lover are worth it; kisses from an enemy do you in.
Proverbs 27:5‭-‬6 MSG

Express your love! Say it! Do it! I can't emphasize enough how important it is to say: "you did great!"; "I am so proud of you!" "I love you more than I could say!" You know what I mean. Say it to your children, especially, to your spouse, to your friends, say it to your mum and dad.

I am so grateful for my mum who is almost 87. She is very funny, smart and determined to rise above life's knock backs. She has fought cancer twice, a damaged back, a bowel that twists mercilessly and a dysfunctional pancreas. Yet she loves and gives and gives.

I make time for mum. She is not hard to have around. Yes she restricts me but I am honoured to have her. I trust God to order my steps and this season is all about mum. We have such laughs, we play cards, garden and cook together. I watch mum with her many grandchildren and I am filled with joy. She is a good great grandmother. She is a draw card for the young. I love to watch them together.

God is blessing me. Tomorrow I start a free online uni course in drawing. How good is that! I love art and God is blessing me right in my home.

Today I had a client call and say they did not want to lose having me, would I still be their planner. I had to explain the terms of my contract, no contact with clients for 3 years after leaving work. I told them, " let's be friends and just talk." I made many friends during the years I ran my business and am grateful for all of them.

Loving people makes you happy. Start loving! Amen!

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