Tuesday 9 October 2018

Faithful Friend

A man with many friends may be harmed, but there is a friend who stays closer than a brother.
Proverbs 18:24 HCSB

Special friends are treasures. No matter what you go through they are there. King David had such a friend in Jonathan. Jonathan was King Saul's son. He walked a difficult road as his father was constantly trying to kill David. Yet Jonathan did not resent David's many achievements or the fact that he was popular, rather he knew David would be king instead of himself. Jonathan was killed in battle when David was not around. David was on the run from Saul.

Jesus had three close friends and one very close friend, the apostle John. What made John so special, he loved Jesus as a very dear friend. In return John called himself the apostle whom Jesus loved.

We have such a friend in the Holy Spirit. He lives in us and is there for us when all else leave. Jesus had all His friends desert Him when he faced His darkest hour. Firstly they fell asleep when He was agonizing over the coming cross, next they ran away when the soldiers took Him away. John did return when Jesus was on the cross but was scarce during His trial. However, God was with Him until He became sin for us, then He turned aside.

Humans will fail us but God will not. He will not turn aside from us as Jesus paid the price for our sin. We can trust Him to be faithfully there for us. Amen!

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