Tuesday 9 October 2018

Good Friends

Friends come and friends go, but a true friend sticks by you like family.
Proverbs 18:24

It is important to allow friends to be friends and not demand they become a part of a co-dependant relationship. Christ is our peace, our guide and our friend who will never leave us. He also is God and therefore not manipulated by our neediness.

If we find ourselves needy then to Him we must go. Allowing our friends to be friends frees them from expectations. This in turn allows our friends to be a blessing when God prompts them.

I am very grateful for my friends. They bring light and freshness to my world. I seek God for my needs and allow Him to choose who to use. This way I receive surprises. I love surprises!

Another important thing is not being too proud to receive. I am a giver but I also must be willing to receive. God uses people that I consider needing my support most often. Yet this is so like God. He sent his prophet to a widow in a drought to be housed and fed for three years. I wonder what he did during that time. I imagine it would not have been very interesting, but then God was in charge and He is never dull or boring. Amen!

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