Wednesday 28 November 2018

A Better View

Take delight in the Lord , and He will give you your heart’s desires.
Psalms 37:4 HCSB

How do I take delight in the Lord? To understand I shall compare the delight we would take in a new born child, especially if that child is mine. While I worship the Lord I don't think I take such delight in Him as I have done my children. So, how do I rectify this?

I need to spend time gazing on what He has done to take delight. He gives us nature to show Himself, daily. So, taking time to smell the roses is important. I love gardens, tree and hills, the ocean does it as well. It is here I sense Him and know His beauty.

I am in Nepal where I have seen plenty of nature and in it I rejoice. God is a good creator. Amen! Rejoice in all He has done! I also need to keep my eyes on Him and not my circumstances. He is a better view by far.

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