Wednesday 28 November 2018

Great Things

Call to Me and I will answer you and tell you great and incomprehensible things you do not know.
Jeremiah 33:3 HCSB

Do you like new things? Do you like new revelations? I do. I love it when God opens my mind to a new way of thinking. My latest is when God woke me at 3am and told me: " bow down before me." Well I responded "yes Lord." He then showed me that if I have an attitude of being bowed down, constantly, I am unable to complain, be angry, be resentful, be fearful or anxious. In fact all that is left is my spirit. Now, since God told me to worship Him in spirit and in truth, I can that that whilst bowed down.

We just finished 3 days on a mission trip. My companion tends to react strongly when he disagrees. I had told him before going I needed him prepped and in the spirit, he wasn't. He continually caused problems with his attitude. I had to do a low of bowing down before the Lord.

Another strategy I discovered: rather than obsessing about my friends behaviour, why not focus on why I was here. I started to praise the Lord for the Nepali people and found a release. After all I was here for them, not my friend. It worked.

We need to find Gods ways of dealing with things, not natural ways. Trust the Lord! Amen!

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