Tuesday 27 November 2018


Call to Me and I will answer you and tell you great and incomprehensible things you do not know.
Jeremiah 33:3 HCSB

The treasure of God are limitless. We have a God who has a storehouse of treasure, we need but ask Him. The bible tells us in James: if we lack wisdom ask God for it. Wisdom is treasure. It is more valuable than gold or silver or precious stones.

Knowing God's mind is a treasure. God's presence is a treasure, friends are treasures, the church is God's treasure. Have we belittled any of these in pursuit of mammon?

For me nature is a treasure. God's creation fills me with wonder. Yesterday we travelled in a jeep for around 40 minutes from off the top of a mountain where beauty surrounded us. The road was dusty and very rough. Once we alighted from the vehicle the vista of the Himalayas lay before us. I was clicking up photos and looked at the locals who ignored it. You see to them it was commonplace and their desire to make money took presidence.

May we never take for granted what God has given us in pursuit of mammon. It is not worth it. God has given us friends, family, churches and most importantly Himself make sure you have your priorities in order. Amen!

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