Sunday 25 November 2018

A Sanctuary

Don’t you know that your body is a sanctuary of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought at a price. Therefore glorify God in your body.
1 Corinthians 6:19‭-‬
To fully appreciate how God sees my body as His sanctuary I need to love it and care for it. This means no gluttony, no addiction to much wine, no addiction to chocolate of coffee, no addiction to pornography and uncleaness.

So many Christians allow themselves to be given to the love of food. I don't know that I want to live in a house of excess. I am called to moderation in all things and abstinence from uncleaness. I cant expect the Holy Spirit to flourish in such a temple.

I am in Nepal and see many temples. The Buddist temples insist on quiet, shoes off and respect. Not so the Hindu temples, not that I can see. On Saturday I left to go and meet a lady for breakfast. Down the road was a mini temple. The people rang
a bell to notify their gods that they had come. Then they would go in with a gift of flowers or something else. The visit was over in the matter of seconds.

I am grateful that I can come to the Lord early and find Him without ringing a bell but rather raising my voice in songs of worship and praise. I am grateful that my God is not given to moods and fetishes. I am grateful for total forgiveness of sin. I dont have to earn my salvation, He did that for me. Thank You Lord. Amen!

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