Wednesday 26 December 2018

More Than Bread

Jesus answered by quoting Deuteronomy: “It takes more than bread to stay alive. It takes a steady stream of words from God’s mouth.”
Matthew 4:4 MSG

Love this version! Yes bread can keep us alive, but barely! Being really alive, now there's the challenge. This comes from being IN Christ, not just knowing about Him or giving Him mental assent. He is so much more than that.

Allowing the Holy spirit to guide and praying as instructed by Jesus Himself, there is life here. Real life! Fulfilled life!

I am in Brisbane visiting family for Christmas and having the best fun! I have met my ex-husband and his wife twice and there is only grace there and a knowing it is not for me. They have their choices, not mine. I love more adventure.

I am spending time, one on one with the grandchildren and it is precious to me. They are good fun! Tonight I took my autistic grandson out to dinner and the movies. We had fun. This morning I took my granddaughter shopping for material as we are sewing her a skirt. That was special. Ellie is a beautiful, fun, little chickie.

Tomorrow more will come. How good is God! Let Him rule!

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