Monday 7 January 2019

Being Right

Those who hunger and thirst for righteousness are blessed, for they will be filled.
Matthew 5:6 HCSB

Why do we seek righteousness? Do we seek righteousness? I would say we do. Subconsciously and consciously. We want to be right. A lot of the 'right' we might feel involved our flesh. We want to prove we are right. Yet Jesus had a better way. He said seek the kingdom of God and its righteousness by faith and you will be right.

Therefore we are made right not because of works but rather by faith. If we are right by works then we nullify the gift of the cross. Paul tells us in Romans 3: none is righteous no not one for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. We cannot, therefore, believe we are made right because of our behaviour but rather by faith because when we 'feel' righteous we trample others.

Jesus' way is better. Seek first the kingdom and it's righteousness. If, first, I am seeking the kingdom of God I am seeking God's ways of doing and being right, rather than my own. This seeking deals with selflessness and keeps me clean. The kingdom of God is about loving God and loving my neighbour as myself.

So, seek God and His ways and you will be made right.

Prayer: Jesus I ask you to be Lord in my life. May Your kingdom live in me and be my focus. Amen!

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