Sunday 6 January 2019

My Lanp

Your word is a lamp for my feet and a light on my path.
Psalms 119:105 HCSB

Psalm 119 is the longest Psalm in the bible. Most commentators believe it was a psalm of David. The words herin remind us of David. It come from a chapter titled Nun. At first I thought this psalm was a compilation and that Nun was a character. Not so. Nun means 3, as in chapter 3.

Having solved all these questions we come to the content. In this chapter David shares his torment at the hand of his adversaries. We know David had his share of these. He was chased for 13 years by a mad king and when he finally is on the throne his son decided to attack.

Yet in all David's trials he maintains that God's word is a lamp to his feet. David did not have a bible. He did not have a priest with him. In fact he tried to obtain counsel from the priests in Nob at one time but one of Saul's men was there and so he left. So, David had to go on the strength of the anointing by Samuel and his memory of all he learned in his father's house.

Even as a son in Jesse's house David was away tending the sheep. He would have had to rely on what he had been taught as a young child. This is amazing, and yet David stayed faithful all those years on the run.

How can this speak to us? The above scripture shows us that David knew the word of God as he claimed it to be the 'light to his feet.' As we daily read the word of God we must use it as a light to direct our paths.

Prayer: Father thank You for Your word. I cherish it. It is indeed a light to my path. Open my ears today as I go to Your house. Speak to me through Your word. Amen!

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