Thursday 16 May 2019

A Promise For Your Children

Teach a youth about the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6 HCSB

The bible is full of promises. We can believe them and stand on them. Paul tells us: when you have done all you can do, just stand. Ephesians 6:13. We must be mindful that this verse comes after being told to put on the full armour of God.

Our enemy can flood our minds with negative, fearful thoughts about our children or grandchildren but at some point we must stand in God's promises, faithfully.

I like to go on the offensive and so I pray: 'thank You Lord that my daughter is preaching you word; my son is a mighty man of God'. I see them as perhaps as they are not now, but as they will be. These sorts of prayers are higher than: 'oh Lord rescue my child from this or that.' I can't stay under the problem I must rise above it and speak faith over them. This type of prayer sure helps my faith and my children as well.

So you can see you play a big part as a parent: initially teaching them and then praying them in, in faith. Amen!

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