Sunday 5 May 2019

Always Be Ready!

Don’t burn out; keep yourselves fueled and aflame. Be alert servants of the Master, cheerfully expectant. Don’t quit in hard times; pray all the harder. Help needy Christians; be inventive in hospitality. Romans 12:11‭-‬13 MSG

I have a hand pump which I use in my garden. I can prime it with 20 compressions and the flow coming out the spray lasts, say 30 seconds. It I want the spray to last longer I pump more air into the container.

My spirit requires filling, regularly. If I know I have a large load, a challenging week, a difficult confrontation, I need to spend more time before the Lord being filled by His Spirit.

Jesus told a parable about virgins invited to a wedding. The groom was delayed in coming and their lamps began to run out of oil. 7 wise virgins had brought spare supply, 7 didn't. Those who had not brought a supply of oil with them asked those who had to give to them but they replied:" if we give you some of ours we will not have enough, go and buy yourselves some." While they were gone the groom came and when they returned they found the door closed and they were not allowed in. The morale of the tale is: always be prepared. Always!

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