Monday 20 May 2019

Victory in Christ!

Therefore, submit to God. But resist the Devil, and he will flee from you. James 4:7 HCSB

Our God is an awesome God! He is worthy to run to, to hope in and lay our confidence in.

Two days ago we had a miracle election. Although many now try to dissect the results I know God's people had humbled themselves and prayed, seeking Him for the best for our country.

His best is what we got. A Christian prime minister who believes in miracles and who is an ordinary 'bloke.' However, he has an extraordinary God on his side and His God showed Himself strong and wrought a miracle. Thank You Lord!

We God's people trusted Him for the best outcome. We did not instruct Him and He brought His best to the table.

We have learned something from this. If we pray in earnest we will see Him move in a mighty way. We also must follow Him and continue to pray, in humility for the care of our country.

It has been noted that more than ever before young people signed up to vote but they did not vote with their flesh, they voted with their spirits. Praise God! A new wave is coming!

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