Sunday 28 July 2024

Finishing well

“But my life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for finishing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus—the work of telling others the Good News about the wonderful grace of God.”Acts of the Apostles‬ ‭20‬:‭24‬ ‭NLT‬‬
It is no good starting a project and quitting before the end. I know that the Lord wants as many as possible to hear the good news. Therefore, I must complete the task He has given me.

I attended university for four years to prepare for this mission and now I am having Nepali language lessons. This will help me speak to those He draws.

Today I went on a bush trek and hurt my left knee. There is no way I will allow this to stop me. I also attracted about eight leaches. I did enjoy the bush though. My nature does not give up. I praise God for that because He gave it to me. We had trekked downwards for about 2.5-3 km and came out on a paved road but did not know where it led. We asked a local and he said it is about a 35minute walk ‘that way’. ‘That way’ was uphill. I managed for about a kilometer but then the pain was too much and so I prayed for a taxi. Praise God one came. He wanted 500 rupees and we said ‘No! Mahango’(too dear)! He said ‘400’ and again I said ‘No!’ And started back up the hill. He relented and said ‘300’.  It wasn’t until we were driving quite a distance did I realise I would never have made it and told my friend ‘pay him 400’. He was very grateful and so was I, very grateful!!!

Now, nonetheless, I am committed. May I go out with a bang! Amen!

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