Sunday 11 August 2024

How good is God’s love?

“If you bow low in God’s awesome presence, he will eventually exalt you as you leave the timing in his hands.”1 Peter‬ ‭5‬:‭6‬ ‭TPT‬‬

Today we heard a message about Jacob and his constant manipulating of others. The amazing thing was God chose him.

I am grateful God chose me. I did not and cannot deserve His love, but He loves me anyway. How good is He???

Oh praise the name of the Lord our God, oh praise His name forevermore, for endless days I will sing God’s praise, oh Lord, oh Lord our God! (Song)


“So humble yourselves under the mighty power of God, and at the right time he will lift you up in honor.”
‭‭1 Peter‬ ‭5‬:‭6‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Humility was foreign to Peter in his early walk with Jesus; he had foot and mouth disease. He talked when he should have been silent. My talk is my problem. However, like Peter, God’s grace can transform me. God used Peter to preach to three thousand people who then repented of their sins and became Christians. The book of Acts shows glimpses of Peter; where God prepared him to go down to Cornelius’ house and share the gospel with the gentiles there; a time when Paul had a problem with Peter’s duplicity and confronted him. These two instances show us Peter was still very much a man dependant on Jesus.

Moses is reputed as the ‘most humble man that ever lived’. However, his mouth caused him a problem. When God told him to strike a rock so that water would come out, he did the first time and the second time God told him to speak to the rock, but he struck it in anger and also had too much to say. That cost him the promised land. He was frustrated with the rebellious people he was called to lead. Yet, Moses and Elijah appeared in the transfiguration of Jesus on the mount. He was remembered for his successes and not his failure. Praise God!

When I am frustrated and not sure how to deal with a person and their problem I invariably talk to someone I trust. However, the Lord is calling me to speak to Him and wait for the answer. Waiting is hard especially when that person wants an answer.

Saturday 10 August 2024

Go ahead

“Go ahead and give God thanks for all the glorious things he has done! Go ahead and worship him! Tell everyone about his wonders!”Psalms‬ ‭105‬:‭1‬ ‭TPT‬‬

Today I was able to go out from our flat for a long walk with a friend. This was my first major outing since my accident in which I cracked the Ulna on my right arm. So good to see the trees, mountains and sky.

The joy of having the claustrophobic bandages off my arm is most liberating. I waited until my flatmates left as they would remonstrate with me for disobeying doctor’s orders. As I have been a trained nurse I tend to write my own rules a bit. However, I do it carefully.

This afternoon I attended a Nepali service with good friends. It was good to see them all.

Giving God credit for no breaks is a must, however,  I tend to claim a bit of glory for my bold faith, when it is He who gives me the faith in the first place. Without the Holy Spirit I would be a mess. Thank You Lord!

My testimony

“Give thanks to the Lord and proclaim his greatness. Let the whole world know what he has done.”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭105‬:‭1‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Last night whilst crunching on toasted wheat I lost part of a tooth. The thought came to me, ‘be careful of this tough grain you teeth may break’. I chewed on the side that I thought was stronger, but lost. I should have listened to wisdom. I apologised to the Lord. Fortunately dentistry is cheap here in Nepal.

It is important to listen to the still small voice, it is also important to keep our hearts with Him for there is safety. I had a fall when feeling sorry for myself, which took me outside the safety zone. In the zone I am safe. I rarely get caught up in self-pity as I despise it. 
However, Satan knew how to trip me. I had a 1 1/2 hour ride through storms to college that day and returned to the grocery store near me before going home. The driver was complaining about the fare. I had to carry three grocery bags, plus a collection of toilet rolls, my backpack and my helmet (I take motorbike taxis as they are cheaper and more fun). I had deposited the bags inside the flat, said hello to my flatmates and went out to shut the heavy gate. I was having a ‘poor me’ attitude and fell resulting in extreme pain in my right arm. There was swelling at the wrist and I knew I was in trouble. I claimed no breakages and Praise God had none. He was gracious to me. As well in my screaming with pain I called ‘Jesus, Jesus, Jesus’, ‘healing, healing, healing!’ I contacted my prayer chain in Australia and when that kicked in peace came and the intensity of the pain left. I am so grateful for my prayer warriors.

My testimony carries me, I know I can call upon the Lord and prayer warriors. I know my God is there for me even though ex-rays say I have weak bones. He holds me together! Amen! Satan cannot desteoy what God holds together! Amen!

Friday 9 August 2024

What pleases Him?

“For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him.”Philippians‬ ‭2‬:‭13‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Today I read some Craig Groeschel material on maintaining momentum and my heart said, ‘time for the desk!’ The desk I’ve been wanting to have made is now on the way. The desk represents business, study, serious progress.

On Monday I had a fall and as a result I have a cracked Ulnar bone in my arm. Having to take time off is a pest, and so I have done lessons remotely. I am now, also, prompted to write out my business plan and prepare for the next phase. I’ve worked out how to type with both hands even though a splint limits my right arm. You might say I am gathering steam.

I love moving with my God. He had one day of rest. I’ve had four and I’m over it. There is always something I can do. Whilst I cannot get back in the pool I can exercise at home and walk up and down the hill beside my house. We are expecting visitors tomorrow. I would also like to visit a young friend who is about to have her first child. I love babies.

God is moving, don’t sit still too long! Amen!

He is working

“For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him.”Philippians‬ ‭2‬:‭13‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Yes! He is! Last night I went to a worship night and I struggled for a minute to worship until I realised, ‘ this is not about me, it is about worshipping a perfect Gid and forgetting this imperfect vessel’. I had the best time! My God is so worthy!

Today my landlord is worshipping the snake god. How aweful for them! Praise God He has given me Jesus, a wonderful saviour. I prayed that they would dream of Jesus piercing the head of the snake God and setting them free.

Thursday 8 August 2024

A good fight

“I have fought an excellent fight. I have finished my full course with all my might and I’ve kept my heart full of faith.”2 Timothy‬ ‭4‬:‭7‬ ‭TPT‬‬

Our enemy attempt to have us tied to fights we were never meant to fight; a fall-out with friends, family, neighbours, the boss. God is our vindicator, we are called to trust, love and obey.

The fights we must be concerned with are the flesh and the enemy of our friends, family, workmates, neighbours etc. We can pray heaven to earth and see God’s kingdom come! We change atmospheres, hearts and minds as we pray. 

Pray! Amen!